Terms and Conditions

The New Fellowship Hall is a Registered Charity run by a Management Committee representing all organizations in the Parish of St. Paul’s Walden.


The Committee attempts to make the hall available to as many users as possible and requires hirers to use it in such a way as to minimize its running costs and for the benefit of all users.


Requests for hiring are made to the Booking Secretary who may at his discretion refuse any booking or apply special conditions to it if, in his opinion, this appears desirable .

The booking is confirmed by the hirer signing a Hiring Agreement which includes the acceptance of these Conditions of Hire. The hirer may not sublet the hall nor use it for any unlawful purpose.


Details of the hiring charges are available from the Booking Secretary or Treasurer. All or part of the hiring fee may be charged if a booking is cancelled and a replacement booking cannot be arranged. Unless previously agreed, hiring fees, including a refundable deposit, must be paid to the Booking Secretary or Treasurer at the time of booking.


The hall is an official polling station and all bookings are taken on the understanding that they may be cancelled without compensation should the hall be needed for election purposes. Every effort will be made to transfer the booking to an alternative date.


The Management Committee holds a Premises Licence for the hall under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003. A certified copy is displayed in the foyer. The conditions of the Licence apply to all lettings. The maximum numbers of people, excluding staff and attendants, allowed to use the hall are 260 in the Main Hall and 100inthe Bailey Hawkins Room (unless reduced by the conditions of a Temporary Event Notice [T.E.N.])


As is the case with a Public House, the hall is ONLY licensed for the sale and consumption of alcohol under the control and supervision of the Designated Premises Supervisor*

Otherwise any Hirer bringing or allowing alcohol onto the premises must have obtained a suitable Tem porary Event Notice (T.E.N.) from North Hertfordshire District Council.

Important Note: The consumption of alcohol where no money or “moneyswo rth” is involved (such as a genuinely free bar at a wedding reception or private party) is outside the scope of licensing. However r as this law is very often misunderstood, please note that “moneysworth” includes arrangements such as “drink inclusive” prices for entry, the exchange of alcohol for raffle tickets, tokens or similar.

In any event based at the Hall ,the Hirer is always personally responsible for any misuse of alcohol in or near the Hall and in particular for any illegal supply (whether donated, sold or transferred) to those under 18 years of age, or to anyone showing the effects of excessive consumption.


The hall is licensed for theatrical performances. However the hirer is obliged to obtain a Licence from the copyright holder or agent for each and every performance of copyrighted material.


The hail’s PRS licence covers all normal performances of music irrespective of the method of performance. The hall does not hold a licence from Phonographic Performances Ltd., but this should only be necessary if the performance is for commercial gain. The Treasurer should be consulted in cases of doubt.


The hall is normally available to our hirers from 9 a.m. to midnight from Monday to Saturday. Use of the hall at other times, or on Sundays, Christmas Day or Good Friday is at the discretion of the Management Committee.


The Hirer is responsible for compliance with actions
required under the attached Fire Notice.


Hirers must make maximum use of the parking facilities on the hall site, whilst ensuring that the entrance and exit doors are not obstructed.

The Management Committee take no responsibility for cars, occupants, or contents whilst parked at, or ,entering or leaving the hall site .

11. Conduct of Hiring

During the period of the hiring and any preparation time ,the hirer is responsible for the
supervision and safety of the premises and its contents and the behaviour of everyone using them.
The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the Hall is vacated promptly at the completion of the booking with the minimum disturbance to nearby residents.
The Hirers must ensure that there is no activity in the area round the exterior of the hall that causes any annoyance to others. Where the nature of an activity in the main hall prevents the use of the Bailey Hawkins Room for an alternative use , the hirer will be charged the ‘ Whole Hall Rate’ . When the halls are in use by different hirers each must conduct their activities so as to minimise any inconvenience to the other. Hirers must leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition. An additional charge will be made if this is not done.
Bulky refuse, such as surplus jumble or stage decorations, must be removed from the premises by the hirer.

Hirers will be charged for any loss, breakages or damage other than fair wear and tear ,during their hire period. The Hirer’s deposit cheque will be taken and held by the Booking Secretary to partially cover this eventuality. Our insurance does not cover theft or damage of hirer’s property.


Chairs, tables, a limited supply of crockery, cutlery, kitchen equipment and glassware, are included in the hire charges.

The hirer is responsible for setting the furniture in the way required (seating at public entertainments must comply with the detailed Premises licence) and cleansing and re­ stacking equipment in an orderly manner in the appropriate storage areas. Electrical appliances must be switched off & unplugged if possible. Kettles should be left clean & empty.


Hirers are responsible for ensuring that scenery, furnishings and electrical appliances used on the stage meet fire and safety regulations and comply with licensing requirements.


Heating is included in the winter hiring rates which are from the 1st November to 31st March , and hirers are responsible for using the heating equipment in accordance with the instructions displayed in the hall. Lighting is included in the hire charge. Unnecessary lights should be turned off when the hall is in use and all lights extinguished when the hall is vacated .


Damage, breakages or mal-functioning equipment should be reported to the Chairman of the Management Committee, either directly or through the Caretaker or Booking Secretary.

Queries or complaints about the hall or its equipment and suggestions for improving its facilities should be referred directly to the Chairman of the Management Committee or to any committee member.

16. Bouncy Castles

The hall insurance does not cover any claim for accidents happening to users or spectators of a bouncy castle. The hirer is required to send the Hall secretary a copy of the insurance held by the owner of the bouncy castle or a written indemnity absolving the Trustees of any liability.

*Designated Premises Supervisor D.Scott January 2016